I wrote this one year ago…

Right now, as you’re writing this, it’s March 31, 2021. It was a big month for you. You just finished up a month-long stay in Hawaii…Hawaii?! What?! Yes, you did. 

A year ago during this time, in March of 2020, the world really changed as you and everyone else knew it. It was the true start of the global pandemic. You started working remote, seeing people lose their jobs, lives, get really sick, struggle with things beyond COVID-19 and more. It was a sad time, a hard time, but one that you absolutely refused let get the best of you. 

“Get the best of you” still meant there were plenty of tears, hard goodbyes, tough conversations and just maddening events along the way, but at the end of the day, you continued to keep the faith, trust the process and of course, hope for a little luck. 

You never thought at 27, you would move back in with your parents for the time being, but wow, what an opportunity and a blessing to be able to do so. 

You never thought you would be writing this to post and mark officially a year of crafting and publishing new stories outside of your work for your website, but you did! Something to Share has been a cool and positive thing that has come out of this pandemic and kept you moving forward. You were pretty terrified of even putting it all out there. 

And here you are, finishing up a long stay in Hawaii. A trip and experience you decided to take with just you – to challenge yourself in a new place, escape the Midwest winter and embrace whatever comes your way while you’re there. And because of that decision, you were able to visit family members and meet new friends along the way. It was one of the best months of your life. 

Hawaii was amazing to you and for you. It refreshed you, made you laugh and even gave you a tan! It was a place where you found peace, where you put yourself first and did everything with no regrets. It’s a place you want to go back to. A place of good people, sunshine and joy. 

Which leads me to today - March 31, 2021. Right now, you’re freshly 28. You still have no idea where the year is going to take you. For a planner, that terrifies you a bit. 

But remember, you’re strong, independent, resilient and adaptive. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing right now as you post this a year later, you’re going to be okay. 

If there’s anything this past year as taught you, it’s that everything happens in its due time. The good and the bad. And you’ll continue to navigate everything with tenacity and with a mindfulness of good. 

You got this, Rach. Congrats on one year of Something to Share. Here’s to sharing more. 


Humble and hope


St. Patrick and Sister Timothy