28 questions for the 28-year-old twin!


No secret here, it’s fun and an honor to share a birthday with Luke each year. We’re not big on our birthdays, but we see it as a special day we will always have together. And here we are, year 28. Prior to our birthday, Luke was given 28 questions to answer. Check out what he had to say below! 

All about Luke, the person:

  • Three qualities that best define you?

    An intentional seeker of authenticity, a human who loves sharing light with the world and a protector of family, friends and community.

  • Do you like being an Aries - a sign that’s known for being bold, ambitious, diving headfirst into challenges, passionate, motivated, confident and relentless with determination and more? 

    I don’t know why, but signs always stress me out. Maybe it’s my lack of knowledge with zodiac signs, but I do connect with being an Aries. I find myself always willing to “dive headfirst and give 100% your all” in just about everything I do. Also, I think Aries are passionate and loyal people, so I like those qualities as well.

  • What’s something you can’t go a day without doing?

    I usually always forget to charge my phone. No, something I try to do every day is be intentional with gratefulness in the present moment. I also usually think about sweets, bakeries and equality for all.

  • What makes you feel most accomplished?

    This is tough because I often struggle with “feeling enough or accomplished” throughout the day. Lately, I’m finding success in simply trusting my gut. For example, this last summer I really wanted to create a garden. I ended up doing it and I felt accomplished in the sense of honoring the entire process that went into creating a garden. I learned through the successes and mistakes. 

  • What line should someone never cross with you?

    I won’t tolerate hate, period. Also, when someone says, “I can’t.” Or, if someone tries to rudely yell or put a child in harm’s way.

  • What was the biggest change you ever made that made you proud? 

    Reflecting on this question really brings up a lot of different things for me. Two changes in my life that I am most proud of include the first time I decided to live openly as a gay man, and the second was leaving a destructive relationship in order to “start over.” Both required this intense individual courage and the grounding realization that family, friends, and community are truly there to uplift you in the journey of life.

All about Luke, the philosopher:

  • How has your perspective on the world changed over time?

    My perspective has changed overtime and also has weirdly stayed the same. I say the same because from the beginning and up to now, I’m constantly in awe of the world including all of its inhabitants, and how we all fundamentally want to be loved and share love. However, the thing that changes over time is learning and witnessing what societies and some institutions do to destroy collectiveness, equality and love. As this happens my perspective routinely shifts to empowerment in knowing that a large majority of folks are willing to fight for the beauty and equality in the world. 

  • What’s your day-to-day mantra?

    My friend Adam Hyndman wrote this brilliant book and offered this, “You are not perfect, but you are worthy. The dreams and goals that have been inside of you are not an accident. You have a distinct purpose that is leading you toward the opportunities that are being made available to you. You are supposed to be exactly where you are. Does that mean the road will be easy and effortless all the time? No! Certainly not. There will be trial and error. But that is no reason to doubt your calling, and your worthiness to pursuing a purposeful life." 

  • What is your definition of success?

    Success will be when we all have access to the same equal rights. 

  • If someone wanted to move to New York, what advice would you give them?

    I would say, “I promise New Yorkers are not mean!” They are some of the best, most loyal, protective folks you will find. If someone wanted to move to New York, I also always say, “Please do it! Please move to NYC! It’s the best city ever.” New York is ready for you and will welcome you with an open heart and arms. Before you move though, give yourself more time than you think to look for housing (you don’t want to live near Times Square). The other advice is when you move, explore every bit of the city. Don’t work yourself crazy that you can’t take advantage of how incredible the city is. Also, did I mention you are moving to the greatest city ever?! Lucky you!

  • If someone wanted to move to California, what advice would you give them?

    California is easily one of the most beautiful places I have ever lived. If you like having easy access to outdoor activities such as hiking, the beach, running, etc. - this place is for you. Don’t think too much about it and just do it! You won’t regret it. 

  • If someone wanted to move to Wisconsin, what advice would you give them?

    You will fall in love with Wisconsin, especially Madison, but make sure if you are thinking about moving to Wisconsin, you move during the summer months. Get ready for folks to be very friendly and wanting to chat with you. The people in Wisconsin are what makes the place so beautiful. Also, please buy a membership to Shorewood Hills Pool and regularly eat at Bagels Forever.

All about Luke, the memories:

  • Favorite vacation or place to be?

    My favorite vacations so far have been Puerto Vallarta, Banff, the Outer Banks, and that time when my high school friends came to visit me in NYC. A few of my favorite places to be are Shorewood Hills Pool with a breakfast sandwich, any body of water, a local coffee shop, and the theatre. Honestly, I don’t definitively have a favorite physical place to be, it is whenever I’m around my family and close friends. 

  • What is your biggest accomplishment?

    I think my biggest accomplishment is simply making it to 28?! The last two or so years have not always been kind to me, so finding the courage to pick myself up when I need to and move forward is my biggest accomplishment. 

  • When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush?

    Probably in my flight attendant training program during our Evacuation Drills. Evacuation Drills is the process of evacuating an entire plane, whether it be a dry or water landing in 90 seconds or under. It was so stressful. This test required pretty intense focus and trust in your flying partners. Afterwards, you felt like you ran three marathons. I also have clear moments of adrenaline from running my first marathon, being on stage, and watching volleyball. 

  • If you could relive one moment in your life, what would it be?

    These two moments are in two different locations, but are with the same person. The first would be sitting at my Nana’s kitchen table and chatting with her. It’s one of the few places where I still so vividly remember everything about her house and the memories shared there. The second would be sitting with Nana for a morning on the pier at my Uncle Tom’s cottage.

  • What’s a favorite story about yourself?

    One year after Christmas, I was traveling back to NYC and I realized at security I left my driver’s license at home in Madison. I really had to catch this flight so I took my chances. I got through security using my laminated musical theater conservatory school ID and my dental insurance card. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing!

All about Luke, the FACTS:

  • Something someone wouldn’t know about you?

    If people don’t know, I am a very proud TWIN! Being a twin is something I feel incredibly special about. 

  • Favorite gift you have ever received?

    Nancy Birthwhistle’s cookbook. I call her my friend and I can’t WAIT to bake all her incredible recipes! Also, one year in high school my friends adopted a manatee for me. I truly freaked out with excitement. It was very special.

  • Who is your greatest hero?

    My greatest hero to this day is my Nana and James Baldwin. 

  • Dream business or dream job?

    Dream job would be two things combined together, the First Gentleman of the United States and a dad. A dream business from me is a coffee shop or bakery that works largely as a co-op and is activist based. 

  • At a party, where can someone find you?

    I would say dance floor but it would actually probably be at tables or the bar. I’d rather chat and catch up with people.

  • If your life was a movie or a book, what would the title be?

    Book title would be, “Does anyone have a charger?” I think what I’m getting at is that it’s okay to be a mess, but always be grateful for the people who support you in life.

All about Luke, the numbers:

  • If you could tell your 8-year-old-self one thing today, what would that be?

    You are 100% allowed to be your true authentic self from the very beginning. Don’t ever allow anyone or society to place standard norms on you. Also, it’s okay that you like sweets and enjoy school, even if it’s sometimes more to see friends. 

  • If you could tell your 20-year-old-self one thing today, what would that be?

    I would have encouraged myself not to judge the process or journey of life, to have the space to say, “You will figure out everything in due time, your path is designed uniquely for you and nobody else.” Also, fear and negativity ages you, so let it gooooo, and being a member of the Queer community is BEAUTIFUL. Additionally, whatever experiences I had as child that attempted to place defining values on myself, it’s okay to forget the majority of it in order to figure out your authentic self. When this individual discovery and growth happens (and it will continue to happen throughout life), I would have encouraged myself to not judge those experiences school and institutions. Rather, recognize what took place, learn from it, talk and digest those experiences with people close to me. It’s okay to change the system in whatever way I have to. As a lecturer in a TedTalk once said, “Once you know, then you can act.”


    This leads me to my last and final thing - finally, and most importantly as a white, cis-gay man, it’s crucial to be critically aware of the space I take up in the world. Know my history as well as the history of my communities. How my privileges have benefited me, and not other individuals. The United States, although has incredible potential to be a great place, is designed to perpetuate racism, classism, homophobia, materialism, etc.,and that it takes hard action to change the system for equality. Again, never lead with judgement. 

  • A goal for year 28?

    I have six random goals for this next year: 

    -      Achieve a 3.9 or higher at school

    -      Sing more 

    -      Run a half marathon on my own most likely

    -      Bake and support a local bakery at least three times a month

    -      Continue to find ways to fight for a more equitable and equal world for all

    -      Definitely make sure to call my mom and keep in touch with family

  • If you got a check for $28,000 right now, how would you use it?

    $28,000 for allllll the sweets in the world! Just kidding. I would probably use a small portion of it to pay for some online baking classes, save some for live theatrical performances (post-COVID) and a vacation for my family. I would also donate some of it to arts organizations in the Madison area, help pay off my sibling’s student loans and give the rest to my family. 

  • Your ideal day celebrating your 28th birthday. 

    I really don’t need a lot on my birthday. I feel like Rachey and I have never been super big birthday people, but rather love celebrating our birthday together. I always get excited when March arrives because I share this birthday month with so many of my family members. For the day though, it would be nice to spend a couple hours in the morning at my local coffee shop, go on a run with my partner and then walk the beach after. Also, my family would be in the city so we would all could have a nice little dinner with some amazing cake! 

Happy Birthday, Luke! It’s so special being a twin with you.


When two roads become one


Seeing a future